
General infos

SFTP server host : release-up.ow2.org

Public download repository : https://release.ow2.org

HowTo upload files

Authentication is only possible with SSH key, so you won't be able to login with login/password (see below for instructions)

  1. Open a request on our servicedesk providing the OW2 project name to be added to the repo, and the username(s) that should be granted to.
  2. Once you've been informed that previous step is achieved, you should be able to upload your SSH public key : head to https://fusiondirectory.ow2.org then go to My Account > SSH. There you should click the blue edit... button at the bottom before being able to use buttons/controls.
    • You should click the button "Add SSH settings" to have access to the SSH key upload form.
    • Remember that the key should not contain any empty line (especially trailing new line).
    • Don't forget to save your changes
  3. Once the previous step is completed, open a sftp session to <ow2login>@release-up.ow2.org then head to your project sub-folder. You should be able to upload there.

The file(s) should then be available at https://release.ow2.org after a little delay (~5min).