General infos
SFTP server host : release-up.ow2.org
Public download repository : https://release.ow2.org
HowTo upload files
Authentication is only possible with SSH key, so you won't be able to login with login/password (see below for instructions)
- Open a request on our servicedesk providing the OW2 project name to be added to the repo, and the username(s) that should be granted to.
- Once you've been informed that previous step is achieved, you should be able to upload your SSH public key : head to https://fusiondirectory.ow2.org then go to My Account > SSH. There you should click the blue edit... button at the bottom before being able to use buttons/controls.
- You should click the button "Add SSH settings" to have access to the SSH key upload form.
- Remember that the key should not contain any empty line (especially trailing new line).
- Don't forget to save your changes
- Once the previous step is completed, open a sftp session to <ow2login>@release-up.ow2.org then head to your project sub-folder. You should be able to upload there.
The file(s) should then be available at https://release.ow2.org after a little delay (~5min).