Project submission

Submitting a new project

New projects can be submitted from the project submission page.

The proposal is then debated on the Technology Council mailing list and/or on the issue created in technology council project on GitLab.
The technology council evaluates its relevance for OW2 according to the evaluation criteria. The Technology Council must reach a consensus to adopt the project.


The fully executed Individual membership of the project leader is the minimum membership requirement for a project to be accepted in incubation. For projects which are developed commercially by a company, the company is expected to get at least the OW2 Corporate Membership.

Criteria for rejection are :

  • No Website
  • No mailing list or communication channel
  • No visible community
  • No licence
  • No case studies
  • VCS repository with low activity (can mean a dead project or not very used)
  • or other that happen during the discussion with the future applicant

Project acceptance discussion

When a new project is submitted, the CTO starts a new thread ([discuss] Project Proposal: XXX) that links to the proposal page on the projects site. This thread and the GitLab issue should be used to discuss and comment on the proposal (before any vote).
This thread should also be used for potential mentors to volunteer. The TC should try and discuss the project proposal within 2 weeks.

When the discussion runs out, the vote for the project acceptance can start.


Vote period

The vote is open for a pre-defined amount of time - currently one week - that has to be clearly written in the vote thread on the mailing list.


The vote options are +1, 0 or -1.

  • +1 means I'm in favour of including the project in OW2
  •  0 means I don't have an opinion
  • -1 means I'm against the inclusion of the project in OW2

Voters should, as much as possible, share their motivations regarding the option they choose in order to keep the voting process helpful for everyone.


At the end of the voting period, a count (i.e. a sum) of the vote is made (in favor as +1, against as -1, neutral as 0). If total score is higher than 0 the project is accepted, lower or equal to 0 the project is rejected.

The results will be announced on the TC list as soon as possible.

Emails templates

Starting voting process


  • [vote] Maturation Lifecycle Criteria
  • [vote] New project : CONTRAIL
  • [vote] Archive project : Funambol


Dear TC members,
Discussion is over, time to vote about the acceptance of <project name> in the OW2 codebase.
The proposal is available at:<project name>.
Some additional information are also available in GitLab issue:<issue id>
So I invite you all to reply to this message with one of the following values:

  • +1: you accept the project
  •  0: you have no opinion or you don't want to express it
  • -1: you vote against the acceptance

The vote is open from today until <vote end date> included.

Result mail


[vote][result] <topic>


Dear TC members,
We've got 4: +1, 2: 0 and 3: -1.
The project is accepted.
I'll notify the submitter.
+1 Gilles Lehmann, Clément Oudot, Benoit Mortier, Damien Belliard
0 Alexandre Lefebvre, Jean Parpaillon
-1 Daniele Gagliardi, David Verdin, Karol Wrótniak
Thank you all for your involvement.

Rejections templates

Possibility of asking again for inclusion:

The project is rejected for the following reasons {}
What we have evaluated {}
What you can do about it {}

Rejected definitively:

The project is rejected for the following reasons {}
What we have evaluated {}
Thanks for submitting to OW2